Upcoming Events
We are excited to announce that this year’s Ian Watt Lecture, nominated and voted upon by Stanford Graduate students, is Judith Butler!
The Novel as Theory Conference
March 7th (all day)
Join CSN for our annual all-day conference, which will feature the following speakers:
Mark Greif (Stanford), Venkat Mani (U. Wisconsin Madison),Jed Esty (UPenn), Renee Fox (UC Santa Cruz), Timothy Bewes (Brown), Chloë Kitzinger (Rutgers), Fatima Mojaddedi (UC Davis), Samir Sellami (Berlin Review), and Dora Zhang (UC Berkeley)
More information to follow.
Center for the
Study of the Novel
Margaret Jacks Hall, 460-411
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2087
Graduate Coordinators
Caroline Bailey
Jessica Monaco
Vesta Pitts
Department of English
Division of Literatures,
Cultures, and Languages
Stanford Literary Lab